History in the Making

Squirrel Helm

Over time the story became somewhat cloudy and muddled (sometimes it wasn’t a squirrel, but a rat), but the smith ever after maintained that it was the most stunning revelation he’d ever had. “If that vermin hadn’t decided to relax on the sun-warmed hull of my latest creation,” he told his chair (he was pushing 80), “I’d never have realized what I’d been missing all these years.”

And medieval war-fashion was never the same.

The Knight Knight

Knight Knight
Well, I figured that even though I’m off being aloof in Texas at the Flashforward conference, I could at least put up something interesting, if not somewhat random. If I actually had access to a scanner, it might be something relating a bit more to my current situation, but since I don’t, you’ll just have to wait ’till later to see Stickman Bob riding the conference logo.