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The topic for this episode of Barefoot Kraken is snowman, suggested by Rosemary.
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The topic for this episode of Barefoot Kraken is snowman, suggested by Rosemary.
Above: The original bit of concept art for this year’s Arachniturkey story.
Below: We were making apple-and-candy turkeys at the office, so of course I had to try…
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you an important news bulletin.
My “Flood” pumpkin has taken 3rd place in the 2007 Guilt O’ Lantern pumpkin carving contest! Go check out the results.
Thanks to everyone who voted, and we’ll continue with the Arachniturkey storyline shortly.
So here’s the final installment, featuring the appropriate lighting.
This also means that yes, it’s time to go vote! Just head over to the 343 Guilt O’ Lantern site. You get to vote for your favorite five pumpkins, which is good, since there are a bunch that are better than this one.