The Intrepid Bowling Ball Hunter

Bowling Ball Hunter

While it can be argued that the bowling ball is much easier to catch than certain breeds of cocker spaniels, and tastes better than most cats, one cannot overlook the unfortunate drawback in nutritional value.

And yes, they apparently do bleed. But only if you happen to hit a major artery.

The Highlight of the Conference


Then Edna, having brought most of the audience’s wandering minds back to complete alertness with an exclamation of, “And now for something completely different,” reached behind the podium, and with a tug and grunt of exertion produced something quite different indeed.

At this point, almost all of the select few that had not been alerted by her previous announcement were forced into weary coherence, leaving only the man in the plaid overalls completely immune to the situation. Though as it turned out, he had been dead since half-past four.

Crab… Thing

Crab Thing

Well, mostly because I haven’t scanned the next page of the sketchbook yet, I bring you this bit of crablike weirdness. Note the built-in body stabalizer, which it can use as a sixth foot if it ever needs to do something marginally threatening like sticking two legs in the air.