Arachniturkey archives:
Category Archives: Arachniturkey
The Arachniturkey Hunt
My Littlest Arachniturkey™
Arachniturkey Origins
Arachniturkey archives:
Arachniturkey by Night
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Realized I hadn’t really ever done a “normal” piece of arachniturkey art, so here it is, based on that sketch I posted a couple years ago.
Want to know more about this arthropod/avian hybrid? Here’s some previous stuff.
Seasonal Entertainment
Arachniturkey Historically
Though our knowledge of the arachniturkey is mostly derived from modern-day accounts, there is some evidence that suggests it was also encountered in earlier times, making the common accusations regarding its inception (such as gene-tampering and toxic waste dumpage) somewhat of a moot point.
Take, for example, this medieval woodcut depicting a vicious attack on an unlucky wanderer by a beast which we can only assume to be an arachniturkey. Even though there are a few inconsistencies in relation to what we now know of the animal, such things can easily be attributed to a combination of symbolism and the likelihood that the artist had never actually seen the creature firsthand.
Arachniturkey Bonus Features
Above: The original bit of concept art for this year’s Arachniturkey story.
Below: We were making apple-and-candy turkeys at the office, so of course I had to try…