This is a concept I was playing around with last year, though I’m still not sure if I have any official plans for it. So, I guess it seems fairly appropriate today to just drop it into the blog for fun.
Monthly Archives: October 2010
Smoke Break
Krakens from Outer Space – Sketch
I had just finished looking at a bunch of old space adventure illustrations when it hit me that this was obviously the direction I needed to go next. And since it’s been a while since I’ve done what could really be called a “complete” illustration, I decided to put a bit more work into it than usual. Stay tuned.
A Toothy Maw
So… yeah. Guess I’m on a bulbous eye kick for the moment.
Drama Under the Sea
Anne flipped around in a flourish of phytoplankton. “Gurnsby!” she hissed. “You get out of here right now! I will not have my Seriatopora invaded by a thuggish deeplife such as yourself!”
The driftwood club wavered for a second as its owner’s grip became even more indecisive than before. “Howard promised at least seven—”
“And you’ll get them. High tide isn’t for two more days, and the extractions are coming along as well as can be hoped.” Anne spun back toward inner darkness of the coral. “Until then, go away and let us do our job. And take that mollusk-basher with you.”
Ewok Gangster
Why the Empire really lost.
A Certain Mascot
What’s interesting is that, while Azusa Pacific University’s cougar mascot has a rather pronounced role when it comes to the actual athletics games, no official graphical representation seems to exist anywhere. The above digital manifestation, however, is not meant to be an answer to that problem, but was simply inspired by the thought.
Besides, he’s much too passive. A real mascot would be in the midst of a snarling murder-leap.
Giraffe Alligator
A followup.
Alligator Giraffe
Blame Rosemary.